MV Global expects Pump.Science to achieve significant expansion in 2025, with at least 10 projects expected to have a market value of more than $100 million by the end of the year.
来源:Coindesk作者:Angela Minster、Eric Stone、Nelson Wang编译:比推BitpushNewsWeb3的真正弄潮儿,必将是那些能够从原...
Balaji, former CTO of Coinbase, tweeted that in the future, smart cars, smart watches and smart homes will be widely used, and each object will not only be able to communicate with people, but also communicate with each other, record conversations and coordinate tasks for its owner who holds the private key. He called this trend "AI Internet of Things". In response, Vitalik Buterin emphasized that ensuring that the ownership of the device belongs to the private key holder is not a default result, and it requires human efforts to promote it.
为纪念这一年的荒唐与辉煌,我们整理了一份 69 个未排名的年度最蠢时刻清单。
在加密行业,需要常备一套实用的 AI Agent 方法论。
【GPT】MicroStrategy股价年内上涨477%,并继续大规模增持比特币,总持有量达444,262枚。Aave计划整合Chainlink SVR服务以优化DeFi用户收益。支持加密的议员Bernie Moreno被任命为参议院银行委员会成员,或推动加密立法。美国国税局主张加密质押需纳税。灰度提交ZEN信托文件,MoonPay拟以1.5亿美元收购Helio。Crypto.com推出体育预测市场,Robinhood探讨比特币储备但暂无计划。分析称当前加密市场回调未达历史牛市水平。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
AI Agent 要更靠谱自主决策和互通协作,必然要趋向“链化”。
【GPT】Messari发布的《The Crypto Theses 2025》报告全面回顾了2024年加密行业的发展,并预测2025年趋势。报告指出,比特币ETF的获批推动其迈向全球性资产成熟,机构资金加速入场,稳定币监管改善为市场注入信心。Solana崛起为主流生态,迷因币交易热度延续,AI与加密的融合成为新兴投资热点。整体加密用户增长显著,基础设施与应用创新持续推进,监管环境改善和机构参与将为行业带来更多发展机遇。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
「一次存入,两层网络,多重收益」,对普通用户来说,告别复杂的「傻瓜式」捕获 Berachain 早期红利的必备利器。
Turkey today issued new cryptocurrency anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, requiring users with a single transaction amount exceeding 15,000 Turkish lira (about $425) to provide identity information to crypto service providers. The regulations will officially take effect on February 25, 2025.
Gate.io宣布成为2025年2月在香港举办的Token of Love音乐节冠名赞助商。
撰文:Unchained整理:Yuliya,PANews在这个充满挑战与机遇的 2024 年,加密货币市场经历了跌宕起伏的发展历程。在年终之际,...